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He had the feeling that the chi flat irons change is related with the Princess, shortly before I went to Yingbinlou when actually holding back drenched white dress stained with the blood of the Princess. Disease after dozens Princess physician to see, chi with on this change as individuals, dark, cold eyes that he no longer dared to look directly covered are scattered chi hair obsessions charm dangerous breath, and let him worry about afraid or distressed. Would like to ask the chi What happened in the end, but did not dare ask.

The chi looked to look respectful blessing housekeeper, said dismissively: "steward, a fever, you rush to please several physician came to have a good look.""What sick?" Fu housekeeper heard shocked, looked up to see the sick face face of chi more scared his face was downcast. "Princess, you stay here and optimistic about chi, Laonu physician'll go, please!" Blessing butler calm under the heart of the panic, immediately hurried and rushed out of the door, a moment not delay.

Leaned next to the limp, sat down, looked at the cold sweat of chi flat iron haired, hesitated for a moment, or hold up their own sleeves and gently help him wipe with."chi, in fact, you're not so disgusting," she said to herself, I do not know who to listen to. "If you start to me, and perhaps now we would not have come to this like you chi like a strong and proud people, should get affordable put it down, not to mention their own so eventually, You're not my chi beloved, and I is not you the woman like us on this respective release Is it bad Why? "


